My plan is this: each student who I determine is in need of a sight word intervention based on current sight word assessment scores will receive 10 minutes of solo activity time on the Little Spellers Sight Word App in addition to the interventions they are currently receiving. I chose this app versus all the other sight word apps out there because it is the one I am most familiar with, I can customize their sight word practice lists, and I like the format of the app. The students will see the word written on the middle of the screen, surrounded by the letters of the word. They will then hear the word and they then drag the letters to the bottom of the screen, where they respell the word. The voice then repeats what the word and immediately loads the next word. Not a lot of fuss, but that's what I like about it. Direct, to the point, but yet more engaging & teaching for my students than doing boring old flashcards.
I will be scoring the students weekly on their sight word assessments, and after 6 weeks I will report to your our progress! Hopefully my iPad Sight Word Intervention will be a huge success--just like my hard working KinderFriends!
And make sure you check out Little Spellers Sight Word App, its a staple on all of my classroom technology! Leave us a comment if there are any apps that you like to use in interventions!
Screen shots from iTunes showing the app's awesomeness! |